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Experienced. Certified. Supportive.

I am an Intuitive Energy Specialist and Transformational Coach who is passionate about seeing people living wholesome and purposeful lives   As an energy practitioner, channeler, and medium, I’m able to read, assess, and heal energy.  With over 20 years of experience, I specialize in creating personalized guidance for you to move towards achieving your desired goals and live a more fulfilling life. 


I discovered my psychic gifts as a child. Before now, my gifts were used predominantly in church settings. However, life got real when my father transitioned in 2017. I could no longer hide my curiosity and thoughts about life. My curiosity and thirst for "the Unknown" drove me to want and know more. Before my father’s death, I felt like I could at least live quietly, safely, and comfortably without attention being drawn to me.  I had the degrees and the stable job that some would consider secure and smart. My desire to help people increased when I helped a family friend find their child through my intuitive gifts. I received episodes upon episodes of confirmations that my purpose was clearly defined. I could no longer hide my true self.


Helping You to Get Aligned with Your Purpose & Transform Your Life


InAlignment Ministries is assisting people to unshackle from limitations and become better versions of themselves in every aspect of their lives. I have worked with people from various walks of life.  Everyone faces unique challenges. But, I believe that it’s no coincidence you’re reading this- right here, right now! I am divinely gifted with tools that can assist you in unleashing your potentials. The essence of my work is to facilitate self-growth by helping you identify the core challenges and setbacks in your life so that you can overcome them with confidence.


As your Guide and Coach, I am committed to:

-Provide personal readings for self and couples

-Do energy work to rebalance your chakras aka energy points

-Break generational bondages/curses

-Remove spiritual blockages and limitations in your love, finances, career, family, etc.

-Provide insight into past, present, & future events to guide you to your true life’s path using various tools such as Intuition/Visions, Mediumship, Crystals, Oracle and Tarot cards

-Assist In unlocking your life’s blueprint to discover your gifts, talents, & purpose

-Provide insight and interpretation of dreams

-And so much more!!!


I find every aspect of my purpose to be abundantly rewarding. I delight in seeing you live transformed lives. If you're feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or limited, but are ready to embrace change and put in the effort to unlock your full potential with my guidance, I'm here to provide unwavering support and motivation on your journey towards fulfillment.

About Me: About Me

Just Herstory Evolving Richly

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